Tonto Dike has found it imperative to clear the air concerning this fall following rumours she may have been 'drunk' or ' high' or both before hitting the stage.
She tells Nollywood Movies Sky329 that her dress was the chief culprit followed by her shoes and then the 'slippery' floor "It was a big…well not a big fall and I managed it well. I fell because I had this very long dress, and this very high shoe and a slippery ground, and because I wasn't supposed to dance atmy first 'coming out'. I had another outfit I could put onto really perform if I wanted to; it was my choice but I just came on and they played the song and I just had to dance and I slipped.
I made it fun really, I got up and danced, I didn't want to disappoint anybody especially myself. When I went back stage, I was dancing my head off. I couldn't go back on stage because Iyanya was on stage and it was about closing. It was all his time. Nobody went back on stage after him. I wish I went back to dance again and not fall that time.
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