October 29, 2013

Kanye West planning extravangant wedding with fight jets next year

Kim K's third wedding will be as
extravagant as her second wedding if her fiance Kanye has his way. Kanye, in a radio interview yesterday with Power 106's morning radio show, hinted at an
extravagant wedding to take place next summer.
When asked for a hint about his upcoming edding, Kanye said;

"Two words: 'fighter jets'" He went
further to explain "Kim knew I was
eventually going to ask her to marry
me. I just had to get that ring right.
I worked with four different
jewelers. Three rings were made
and only one hit the ringer and that
was Lorraine Schwartz's. 'I actually
changed the ring the night before.
The ring was less than four hours
old when I gave it to her.'
"I wanted to marry that girl from
the first time I saw her,' he said.
'Kim and I are the perfect
balance.''I had to wait through a
bunch of other relationships to
finally get the chance"

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Waoooooo,GOD has a hand in u guys marraige! My advice is dat wat GOD has joined together as one let no man put assunder pls follow dat word nd don't let ur enemies count it for u [kim] be prayerful!


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