It seems like quite a number of people don’t like Kanye and they spent their rmoney to prove it. A few days after he called for a Boycott of giant fashion brand
Louis Vuitton, the exact opposite of what he was hoping for happened. Louis Vuittion sold out and a new record was even set for online sales.
After Kanye West told people to
not buy any Louis Vuitton until
after January the company took
action and sent an e-mail to
their best customers who
responded in a huge way. The
company says that sales surged
this week and when final
numbers came in that a new
record was set for online sales
and that customers responded to
the attack by Kanye by coming to
the brand for the first time and
there were many small
transactions by people who
wanted to show their support for
anything that is anti-Kanye.”
CDN reports
During that radio interview Kanye said
“They think I don’t realize my power.” Guess he’s not as influential as he thinks
he is.
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